Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I dislike the smell of Babel in the morning, Part II: *Poof*

So I have a friend, M____. A serious blogger. Had two blogs, updated at least daily. Used his blogs as places to articulate what was going through his head. Sometimes it was joy; sometimes it was frustration: with family, with themself, with their experiences as a member of a church. Sometimes it was both joy and frustration.

Joystration, as it were.

I check out his blogs, because he's a friend, and I find it helpful to have an idea of what's going through his head. The same reason I started checking out blogs in the first place: I couldn't afford not to know what was really going through my teenagers' heads, and livejournal was where they were talking.

So Monday, I see that he's closed up shop at his blog. This doesn't surprise me much, because I thought it coincided with a trip he might possibly be taking. Then I check his other blog, and he's checked out of there, too.

With a finality that I found disturbing.

No explanation: it felt like the kind of thing someone would write just before killing themselves, or something. I went to find him, because it was final enough, and out of the ordinary enough, that I thought something might be wrong.

Turns out, he'd had a conversation in which the thoughts expressed in his blog were interpreted as disrespect, personal attack, and attack of a ministry.

The conversation was with his pastor.

As I thought through M____'s account of the conversation, I thought of Colossians 4:6: Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. I know M____, and I know that what he wrote was not written with the above mentioned motives in mind. But could he have articulated with more grace? Yes. Could he have seasoned it a little, took some of the edge off? Yes. Should he have worked toward that? Well, according to the above verse, God's pretty clear about the answer to that.

And I hope he will work toward that, because he had some worthwhile things to say. The perspective of anyone is worthwhile, especially one who's trying to follow the way of Christ, however that looks at a particular moment. How can someone move forward if they don't know where they are? How can a brother in Christ help another brother if he isn't talking, at least attempting to articulate what he's going through?

Which leads me to M____'s response to the conversation. He decided that, at least for the time being, if his blog was going to be used against him, he wasn't blogging. Given what happened, the response is at least understandable.

But does that help?

I was reminded of another verse: Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. (Ephesians 4:25) If a person is hiding the truth of his life and his heart, is that lying? If a person is hiding the truth of his life and his heart because of our potential backlash, are we facilitating his life becoming a lie?

How many Christians are living life with a shiny veneer that is lying on the top of some real pain, some real questions, some real...who knows what?, because they don't know - or they're pretty sure they do know - what kind of response they'll get?

Shouldn't we balance our desire for salt-seasoned conversation with the realization that sometimes, people are going to say things in ways that we don't understand? Shouldn't we allow those people to speak truth, and help them from there? If we react in ways that discourage further dialogue, aren't we part of their refusal to put away lying?

One thing I do know: if we don't let them talk, they will stop talking.


Blogger james3v1 said...

Amen brother.

Keep trying to keep them talking--and then teach them what to say. I know from past experience (mine, not observed) that part of learning to speak in the way Paul is exhorting us to is learning not to speak at times--but that choice has to come out of a desire to speak wisely rather than a desire not to get into trouble or the problem remains, as you wisely point out, in the heart.

5:22 AM  
Blogger John a Baptist said...

Right on, Mike. I think we have all probably had times when we needed to talk, to come clean, or maybe just needed some advice on how to correct something we had handled improperly. Fear of the response is what kept us from getting help and rectifying the situation. Therefore we continued on living a lie, while begging God to help, and wondering why we were surrounded by "Godly" men, none of whom would truly help. We have to stop assaulting each other for trying to understand Cod's desire for our lives.

You do a masterful job of provocatively articulating your heart without being offensive. It is very evident that God is at work in your heart. I have God, know God, yet so often I refuse to submit. You seem to be a submitted man. Continue on. God wants submission.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

And, alas, when they stop talking the problem is even more evident.

Unfortunatly, I'm kind of... in the dark. I don't know anything going on in church, honestly. WHat little I piece together leaves me in one of those "Let's go lick the electric outlet!" moods.

If people don't talk, they die. A man left alone to his thoughts is going to misuse them- as man will always misuse what they don't understand. If was actually M___ that taught me that.

Anywho... I've seen him once in the last monthish, and we were in different cars... so I didn't get to talk much. I'd like to help, but I'm rather incapable. My job is to sit back and watch as everything I had a year ago is torn to shreds by God's will.

Or lackthereof =\

11:23 PM  
Blogger Blair said...

It's obvious who you are talking about. It's also obvious that Dustin is not the only person who does this. You said this... "Turns out, he'd had a conversation in which the thoughts expressed in his blog were interpreted as disrespect, personal attack, and attack of a ministry." This is exactly what it is!

See- You have been guitly of the same thing. I have read all your posts on your blog. That is exactly what some of your posts do along with Dustin's.

I don't understand. You grew up in that church, you are the pastor's son. You are NOT A PASTOR YET! How can you judge and critique your own father and pastor when you have NEVER been a pastor. You taught us teens to honor our pastor and you aren't doin that at all! Your posts were obvious and people like Dustin knew what you were talking about and he just feeds off of that! If you don't agree with things about your own church and what our own preacher does... then fine... don't post it so all the world can see. Thats not your job! I can't believe that you sided with Dustin and that you encourage him to do what hes doin. I can't believe that you do the same freakin thing! I don't care if you know that I'm upset either!

I don't understand why now even though... you don't have your OWN church and you're NOT a pastor yet... you think you have it all figured out. I don't understand why you are doin just what you taught us not to. I don't understand why you are pulling all this crap!!! I don't understand why Dustin thinks he has it all figured out and why he slams his own preacher! I don't understand why you encourage him to do so.. and why you don't know try and find the other side of the story. Even if you did try to find out what the other side of the story was and isnt't right either way what you guys are doing! I also don't want to understand all of these things!!! They are wrong.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

Blair- multiple times I've seen you crying on his shoulder or going to him with a problem.

And I've only been around for 14 months.

Pastor appointed this guy over you for a long time, as a pastor. Mr. Mike has pastored a youth group- you were one of his. Mr. Mike is ordained. It doesn't take a church to understand something.

Also, people always have misunderstandings. Pastor is allowed to see something differently than Mr. Mike, as is Dustin. And the thing is, a weblog is designed for what they are using it for.

You, Blair, just as you accused Mr. Mike and Dustin of doing, are doing the same thing. You're sitting here accusing your authority of being wrong, and you're being disrespectful.

And hey, when I do that to Miss Naomi, you yell at me. She's not a pastor either ;)

12:30 PM  
Blogger Curtis Donnohue said...

Both of you! Sheesh!

Lemme break this down for a second... We're all mature people of reasonable intelligence who claim the name of Christ as our personal Lord and savior- thus we read the Bible to find out how to be more Christ-like. At least I do. For the past few years, I've been slowly adapting myself so that my life lines up with the scriptures. Is it complete? Not by a longshot. Point is, Proverbs 25:9 tells us, "Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself; and discover not a secret to another." Basically it's like, "Don't be talkin' about my man behind my man's back." Or anyone. Not just my man.

My man is Brad Pitt, by the way... Jennifer, Angelina, or whatever can just deal with it.

Fact is, I failed to live up to that verse. I got it. Is it wrong for Mr. Mike, Brad Pitt, myself or anyone to differ in matters of opinion? No. To take it up to a public forum- no matter the intent, purpose, or ambiguity of our words however IS.

Mike-sama was not encouraging me, Jo. It seemed to this one that he was merely suggesting that while my heart was in the right direction my words could have been better chosen. Nothing is gained from being brash, impulsive, or offensive- what I was. Brian is absolutely correct about what a blog is for- but he missed a small point... my ended up hurting people's feelings- the last thing I would ever want to do.

However, you still seem to miss many points entirely in your attack on the two of us. I'm perfectly fine with it, but I refuse to stand idly by and let you talk that way about someone who did so much for you. It goes to a level beyond disrespectful and frankly, you owe him an apology. I've realized lately that you have a unique talent for attacking people when you only have a small piece of the story. While sessha normally appriciates zeal, it's misplaced of late, Jo.

I am not "feeding off" any of this. I'm my own person, and that's what's caused most of this trouble... differing from the blind following to find out own way of thinking... Perkins was right- thinking is bad. It gets you into a world of trouble that you never really wanted, but you've got it anyway so you might as well rough it out.

In summation: yes, I was disrespectful. No, Mike-sama was not encouraging it. Yes, we think for ourselves and find our own truth. No, it did not work out pleasantly (for me). Thank you. Good night.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Curtis Donnohue said...

By the way, Blair... You said this: "You said this... "Turns out, he'd had a conversation in which the thoughts expressed in his blog were interpreted as disrespect, personal attack, and attack of a ministry." This is exactly what it is!"

Sorry, but... no. I hate it when people tell me what I feel. Take it from the person who said everything- it was not intended as disrespect, a personal attack, or an attack of a ministry.

I like to think I know ME a little better than you do.

Being me and all.

Just thought I'd add that...

4:55 PM  
Blogger Blair said...

Mr. Mike and I talked about it and it's all good.

9:19 AM  

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