Thursday, June 02, 2005

OOOh! - intro: Jellyman, offspring. Offspring, Jellyman.

So this is my family:

My wife Kristy. She is amazing. We've been married over eight years, and every day I realize in a different way that she is exactly the person, not only that God had for me, but that God knew I needed. She loves playing the piano and PlayStation and scrapbooking and me!

My oldest, Steven Michael Rowell III, or Trey. He's four. He loves to ride his bike and play basketball with Daddy. He's pretty tall for his age, like Daddy was. He loves to talk, but large chunks of it still don't make sense, which concerns us a little, but I'm confident that part will come along. He's really smart, too.

My middle child is Gracie, my princess. She's three, and she has signed a confidentiality agreement stating she'll be in big trouble if she tells anyone I'm wrapped around her little finger. She loves princessy things, long dresses that poof when she twirls, tiaras, and Oreos. Actually, just the filling of Oreos.

Derek is my youngest. I wrote some about him in my previous entry. His first birthday was in March, and he's a big dude for his age, also. He struggles with excema, which has deprived him of the joy of dairy products for the time being, and relegates all of us to wearing clothes washed in Dreft. Doctors say he could grow out of it in a year or so, and we're praying to that end. He loves to taunt us by taking three steps and falling down, and it's been eight days since his last binky.

These are the most important people in my life. I work at being what God wants me to be for them, because I know if I can't be the husband and father that He wants me to be, I'm not going to be any good as a pastor/shepherd, either.

As you can now see, God's been extremely good in bringing these lives into mine.


Blogger dlr said...

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9:12 PM  
Blogger dlr said...

You've got some serious thrill issues, dude...

9:14 PM  

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