Friday, June 10, 2005

Stuff I just can't make up

So I have an account on LiveJournal (another blogging site). I don't generally post there, I just keep up with some of my teenagers and others and comment on their posts.

Today, after commenting, I noticed that I could click on "Random," and it would take me to a random LiveJournal account. That sounded interesting enough, and I hadn't really roamed around on LiveJournal beyond the people I know. So I clicked it.

This was the current entry.

October 1st, 2004
10:31 am - Переход на безлимитный тариф.Как же-шь хорошо! За трафиком я больше не слежу. Фоном качается музычка с бесплатного для меня сервака мп3-шек. Сайтики я теперь скачивать не буду. А зачем? Пусть господа веб-дизайнеры обновляют информацию. А я буду ею пользоваться. (Лишь бы мозги не вскипели - вмещать такое количество информации.) Времени сразу освободилось от лишних действий, что я производил раньше. Ка-а-айф.Говорили, что скорость меня может не устроить. Ха! Очень даже устраивает, даже при постоянном фоновом скачивании. Смешно. Я и так всегда считал, что у компьютера, как и у автомобиля на дороге, самое слабое место - это прокладка между креслом и клавиатурой (мышкой, монитором, рулём). Информация выводилась и будет выводится на экран всё равно намного быстрее, чем даже самый быстрый пользователь сможет её прочесть. И моё утверждение только подтверждается этим.

That's my fortune: the first time I venture out into Blogland, I get a guy who posts in - what is this, Greek? - and hasn't updated in eight months.


So the brakes on my car have reached a new level of squeakiness.

By "my car," I refer to the '94 Grand Am that has known my wife longer than I have. She had just bought it when I met her, and I've been jealous ever since.

Anyway, we're basically waiting for the payments on our minivan to get over with already so we can unload my car. It has, literally, 185,000 miles on it or something, and I put a gallon of water in the radiator every other day because it continues to disappear, despite very helpful people in my life replacing the thermostat and the radiator.

The problem is, the thing won't stop running. It just keeps going.

But in the meantime, things are starting to wear out. Of particular note at this moment are the front brakes. Anyone who knows cars knows that the front brake pads are set up to have a sharp metal thing start grating on the rotor so that you'll know it's time to change them. Or something like that.

So this grating thing has been going on for some time. Months, or so. And the normal progression is that when this squeaking sound starts, it's annoying at low speeds, but generally isn't noticeable at highway speeds. It's just noisy once in a while, just enough to let you know to get it done already.

Mine has ascended to the next level of squeakiness: a grating sound that never actually stops. Seriously, I was noticing on my way in to work that, even at 65+ mph on the interstate, I could hear this ice-pick-on-chalkboard sound. Granted, the window was down because I've long since given up on the AC, but still, this was a first.

So I may be forced to actually deal with this situation before I unload the car. I fully expect that, when I do, the following will happen: as I take the front wheels off, my entire brake system will break into "The Hallelujah Chorus," and on the last refrain, disintegrate into dust.

Or something like that.


Blogger Jim said...

I would advise you to be very careful going to random LJs, some are quite.... well, bad. Like... bad.

My friends list breaks into two parts- people I know in real life, and people I met throu LJ interests, communities, and friends. I would advise going to communities to find people- for the most part, it ca n control what is coming up on the screen.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Seth Ben-Ezra said...

I believe that's Russian.

9:26 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

Mr. Seth d00d is right. I put it into's Russian to English and got this:

Transition on безлимитный the tariff. As it is good! I do not watch(keep up) the traffic any more. A background the music from a free-of-charge server for me мп3-шек shakes. Sites I now скачивать shall not be. And what for? Let sirs webs - designers update the information. And I shall use her(it). (If only brains have not boiled - to contain such quantity(amount) of the information.) Time at once it was released(exempted) from superfluous actions, that I made earlier. Ка-а-айф. Spoke, that speed of me can not arrange. Ха! Very much even arranges, even at constant background uploading. Ridiculously. I and so always considered, that at a computer, as well as at the automobile on road, the weakest place is a lining between an armchair and the keyboard (a mousy, the monitor, a rudder). The information was deduced(removed) and will be is displayed all the same much faster, than even the fastest user can read her(it). And my statement only proves to be true it.

10:08 AM  

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