Thursday, May 05, 2005

Welcome to Greencastle

So we packed up and headed out for northeastern Missouri, to spend the weekend with Kristy's family. We just got in. Kristy's dad was supposed to have his gallbladder removed today, but complications prohibited it for the time being.

Most of Kristy's family lives in the metropolis of Greencastle, Missouri. On the way in tonight, I saw that the population was up to 308, up from 276 when I was dating Kristy.

From 300 on, it's all downhill. Or so they tell me.

--- --- ---

When I was dating Kristy, I used to be able to make it from Pekin to Greencastle in 4 1/2 hours. 4:15, if I really, really pushed it. I had three or four tickets to show for really, really pushing it.

This time, with a wife and three young ones, we left somewhere around 4:30 pm and arrived somewhere around 11ish. There's a part of me that's stopped keeping accurate track because it's just embarrassing.

But then, when I was dating Kristy, I was in a rush to see her and get to talk to her in person. Now, I get to do it all the way there and back. Except when she's helping Gracie put the cap back on her Strawberry Crush, while Trey and Derek doze the miles away.

All in all, a pretty even trade, I'd say. I might have even came out ahead.


Blogger Jim said...

This may be a stupid qustion, but do you ever... miss the days like that, when you were dating, rather than married? I thought being married would be great.... now I'm having second thoughts. I'm not sure I'll be able to always be happy with a life like that... where there's a constant demand for love and attention.

6:28 AM  
Blogger Curtis Donnohue said...

In opposition to Brian's own statement, I have to chime in and suggest that married life would be all the most more splendiferous because of all the emotional perks. One thing, when you're married you can count on waking up to their smiling face (I live in a bright fantasy world. It's awesome. You should visit.) and there is this extra level of committment. Female comedians (aka lesbians) joke about how men are afraid of committment but really, it's women. They're the emotionally insecure bunch who worry about everything (so I've been told) and I'm really getting off point.

There was a strange hissing noice coming from under my desk. I thought it was a snake, but it was just my CD-RW drive. Thus, today's heart attack has been post-poned.

Um... okay. Lemme just say that while I'm neither married nor dating- I feel being married would be the more desireable outcome as it is, well, the end result of dating. That and an empty wallet. It's not about a constant demand for love and attention so much as being with someone who you enjoy being around... someone you want to grow old with and eventually die with. Love plays into it, sure but... for me, it's always just kind of been about sharing a life, a destiny, a purpose with someone who just... clicks with you. Odd habits, harry backs, and tendancy to use the word "comeuppance" too much.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get get lost in one of the neighboring cities. Ja ne.

4:01 PM  
Blogger pastor mike said...


Not a stupid question.

There are things about being single that I enjoyed that I don't get to enjoy now. Flexibility, spontaneity, etc: all things I enjoyed.

There are also things about being single that I didn't enjoy: the whole I-don't-belong-to-someone vibe, and other things.

What I've come to realize is, being married is not better than being single, it's just different. Different joys, different struggles, different things to deal with. So when I remember the things I enjoyed when I was single that I don't get to enjoy now, I remember that God has given me a new set of joys, and I get the most out of them when I'm content with them.

You'll be happy with a life like that when it's time for you to have that life. It's not right now, so it looks different than it will as you get closer to it.

I'm not sure that "constant demand for love and attention" is the best way to describe the dynamic that happens in marriage. I think of it more as "just get off my back for five minutes."

I'm kidding. You'll realize that the demand for love and attention goes both ways, and that a lot of happiness and fulfillment comes from giving that love and attention.

It'll start to change as God prepares you for the next part of your life. He's prepped Mich, as I'm sure you've read, and it'll come around for you as well.

10:39 AM  

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