Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I've Been Provoked, Part II: or, I Wasn't Really Provoked

So I'll continue here with another point from my friend's email, but I must begin by clarifying that I wasn't really provoked, and the whole shotgun metaphor was overstatement for the purpose of amusement. Mostly my own, as it turns out.

My blog subtitle states that I am "comfortable with being slightly out-of-place 69.3% of the time." Yesterday's entry got into one reason for being out of place in the religious community in which I was raised.

So, in my search for alternatives, I have observed and read up on other ministry leaders and churches. Ones that fall outside the independent Baptist associations and fellowships that I have been part of.

I have learned much from them. I won't take time here to articulate everything, but I've learned much.

And yet, I am out of place in those settings, as well. There are practices and progressions of logic that do not sit well in my spirit. Now is not the time to articulate those things, either.

Where I've come to is that all truth comes from God, and some truth is present in every person, because people are made in God's image. I must learn what I can from everyone I come in contact with, examine what I learn in light of my relationship with God and His Word, and craft an expression of my life in Christ that is unique to me and the world in which I live.

This is my dream: for my life, the life of my family, the life of the body of Christ followers that God allows me to lead on this fantastic journey.

So I'm slightly out of place 69.3% of the time (another figure thrown out there mostly for my amusement), and I'm getting comfortable with that, because it's what my life in Christ looks like.

I'm good with that.

For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. - The Bible, 2 Corinthians 10:12

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: - The Bible, I Peter 2:21


Blogger John a Baptist said...

As a Christian, why do you want to be a Baptist?
I Corinthians 1 has proved helpful to me.

1:12 PM  

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