Monday, August 22, 2005

My weekend in Iowa, Part I

So it was a busy weekend. It began with a visit to Cedar River Baptist Camp one last time, for the wedding of Mike Harty (who was a benevolent senior when I was a freewheeling freshman) and Carie von Hagen (whose first summer on staff at the camp was my first summer, too).

It was a beautiful wedding, and I couldn't be happier for the two of them. They both have hearts to serve God, and they're just fun to be around. Having met them when I did, it's amazing to see God bring them together.

The reception was held in the Dining Hall, which has always kind of been the social center of the camp for these many years, at least in my opinion. With lots of things happening in other places (tabernacle, playing field, mud hike, etc.), the dining hall is where a lot of my connections with people happened.

When I was on summer staff, it was where Bro. Dave Smith poured out his heart to us every morning in devotions. It was where, when there was a problem among us guys, Bro. Dave would confront us. We ate there together, fed campers there...

So it was really cool to see the dining hall filled with people one last time, eating, sharing, filling to the high ceilings with an atmosphere of joy. I'm glad I was there for it.

And I got to see Bro. Dave, who is taking quite a bit of heat for his decision to do what God has led him to do. He seemed, in the middle of all the joy, a little weary. Even more so than one might expect in the time of transition.

So I have this sentiment for those who would criticize: get off his back, already. Let the man do what he believes God wants him to do. Stop sitting in your environments far, far away from any understanding of the actual issues and decision, badmouthing a man with whom you have no relationship warranting the credibility of your opinion.

Just stop it, already. Don't just stop the rhetoric: stop the attitude. Do you really think that kind of judgmental self-righteousness doesn't spill over into other expressions of leadership/life in Christ/etc.?

I'm just's disappointing, is all.


Blogger John a Baptist said...


4:22 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

You defend Brother Dave more than most Catholics defend the pope :-p

Good to see a post again. I was missing them.

6:08 PM  

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